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目的:介绍基于第二课堂的护理医学生职业素养培养模式构建,试图解释第二课堂教育在护理本科生职业素质培养中的机制与效果,并探讨护理医学生对第二课堂的隐性教育作用的认知与评价。方法采用问卷调查法,对三个年级的护理本科生开展职业素质情况调研,内容涉及职业精神、职业技能、人文素质三方面。结果职业精神方面:认为有“显著提高”者占44.13%,“有所提高”者占33.20%,“有所下降或显著下降”者占6.48%。职业技能方面:认为有“显著提高”者占51.82%,“有所提高”者占41.70%,“有所下降或显著下降”者占1.21%。人文素养方面:有91.1%的学生认为得到提高,且2009级和2011级“显著提高”的比例均超过50%。结论基于第二课堂开展的职业素质培养模式使得护理医学生在职业精神、职业技能、人文素养等方面有所提高,该培养方式得到了护理医学生的广泛认同与肯定。  相似文献   
根据对昆明医学院2008级115名硕士研究生《医学免疫学》课堂教学需求的问卷调查,分析了硕士研究生《医学免疫学》课堂教学存在的一些问题,并提出了改进的建议。  相似文献   
医学高等院校基础化学的课堂教学艺术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医学高等院校基础化学课堂教学艺术的研究,对于改善基础化学课堂教学质量、提高课堂教学效率具有重要作用。在医学高等院校的基础化学教学中全面实施课堂教学艺术,使课堂教学成为受教育者的一种艺术享受,对培养高素质的医学人才起到显著的效果。  相似文献   
翻转课堂是学生通过网络进行课前自主学习,在课堂进行师生互动、内化吸收,课后巩固加强的一种全新教学模式。因此,对各阶段的学习效果利用不同手段、不同对象和形式进行实时评价,并将意见有效地二次反馈,对提高教和学的效果有重要意义。在此探讨如何有效利用形成性评价,对翻转课堂教学活动进行有效的监控和反馈提高;并细致分析其如何在应用过程中加强和锻炼学生的能力。  相似文献   
中外医学交流与合作要求医学论文及相关内容在多语言特别是英语平台上准确翻译和表达。探讨基于生态翻译学理论的英语教学,采用workshop方式,以学生为中心,通过创造仿真的医学英语翻译生态环境,将译者个体发展融入翻译生态环境中;使学生能够有意识地形成医学英语翻译技巧和策略等方面的知识体系储备,进而提升文化差别判别和语用等能力。  相似文献   
突破传统的医学微生物学教学模式,确立以专业特点为主体、以临床应用结合为核心的教学理念,以课堂教学模式改革为突破口,开展"二段式多元化"教学模式的探索,促进护理学专业学生主动学习的兴趣和综合能力的提高.  相似文献   
The present study examined the role of adolescents’ self-esteem and perceptions of family and classroom contexts on their domain specific self-perceptions. 345 Greek junior high school adolescents aged 14-16 completed measures of domain specific self-perceptions, self-esteem, parenting styles and classroom climate. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that both family and classroom contexts predicted students’ self-perceptions, after students’ demographics, academic achievement and self-esteem were controlled for. However, different patterns emerged in the relationship between family, classroom climate and self-esteem depending on domain specific self-perceptions. Academic self-perceptions (scholastic, mathematics and language competences) were predicted by classroom climate dimensions (order and organization, student involvement, rule clarity), whereas self-perceptions regarding relations with parents, close friends and behaviour conduct, were predicted by parenting styles. Given the fact that adolescence is a period of fluctuation in self-understanding which renders self-perceptions particularly malleable, the results support the critical role of the social environments where adolescents operate.  相似文献   
Classroom quality throughout three Head Start programs in the southeastern United States was monitored. A random sample of classrooms was selected to represent high and low quality classrooms in urban and rural settings. Parents and teachers rated the social behaviors of 328 children who were nested within 40 classrooms. Maternal depression was associated with parent reports of fewer positive social behaviors and more problem behaviors. Parent-reported home violence was associated with fewer disruptive behaviors as reported by the teacher. Higher quality classrooms tended to have lower scores on a parent-reported measure of children's problem behaviors. Teachers who interacted less positively with children tended to rate the children in their classrooms as more compliant. The teacher's ability to individualize instruction tended to moderate the association between the child's age and prosocial behaviors while also moderating the association between maternal depression and parents' reports of their children's problem behaviors.  相似文献   
余楠  方紫璇  孟娟  刘莉  闵敏  李伟  龚询  冯玲  马丁  张媛媛 《安徽医药》2021,25(6):1267-1269
妇产科学是属于临床医学中的一门涉及面较广和整体性较强的学科,在以往的教学实践中,对于妇产科学临床教学部分,均采用传统的授课式教学法,即以教师为主导地位的"填鸭式"教学方法.基于慕课理念的翻转课堂教学模式是一种通过资源丰富、形式多样的慕课网络资源在课前完成知识的传递,通过以学生为主体的翻转课堂在课堂上完成知识内化的全新教学模式."慕课+翻转课堂"教学模式引入妇产科学教学中,可以改变学生传统被动接受模式,鼓励其主动参与妇产科学教学中来,有利于提高学生的学习兴趣,更好的培养学生的临床操作和综合思维能力,并改革了教学评价体系,利于教学相长,提升教师专业素养.  相似文献   
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